Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hrolf Kraki

1. Characters

Halfdan- a mild- mannered and esaygoing king. Brother to Frodi. Father of Signy, Hroar and Helgi. killed by his brother
Frodi- A Greedy and harsh man who killed his brother in order to get his kingdom. Searched everywhere for his nephew to kill them. Killed in a fire started by his Nephews
Helgi- The younger of the boys and the bigger and more courageous one. Killed by Adils
Hroar- 2 years older than Helgi. Son of Halfdan.
Signy- Eldest child of Halfdans. Married to Jarl and the sister to Helgi and Hroar
Jarl Saevil- Signy's husband, owned land of his own outside of Halfdan's kigndom?
Regin- Helgi and Hroars foster- father
Vifil- a magic man who lived on an island by himself with his dogs hopp and ho. Hides the boys from Frodi
Heid- A seeres of Frodi who uncovers Helgi and Hroars cover to Frodi
Var- kings two smiths who were master craftsmen
Sigrid- Helgi and Hroars mother who is killed in the fire because she does not want to leave
Nordri: King over parts of England, Father of Ogn
Ogn- Hroar's Wife. is pregnate with Hroars son when he is killed
Olaf- Queen who ruled over Saxland. Like a man. Beautiful in looks yet cruel and arrogant in temperment. Helgi rapes her as a way to get back at her. Mother of Yrsa
Yrsa- Daughter of Olaf and Helgi yet she marries Helgi not knowing he is her father and has a child with him. Remarries
Hrok- Son of Signy and Jarl, has his foot chopped off the Hroar so he kills Hroar and wants to marry Ogn. has all his bones broke bye Helgi
Agnar- Son of Ogn and Hroar, big and full of promise, found the ring, Greatest warrior
Hrolf: Son of Yrsa and Helgi. A most worthy man
Adils- King who ruled over Swedne. Powerful and Greedy. Married Yrsa
Skuld-Daughter of Helgi with the elfin woman
Berserkers- King Adils men, 12 of them, who defend his land agianst all dangers and attack
Svipdag- Son of Svip, brother of Beygad and Hvitserk (eldest)
Svip (his advice to his son)- Farmer in Sweden, Father of above people, Warns Svip that Adril is not trustworthy, his men are filled iwth envy. " Do not envy others and avoid arrogance, for such conduct diminishes one's fame. Defned yourself if you are attacked. It is becoming to be humble, yet at the same time you must make a bold showing if out to a test
Bjalki: On og King Hrolfs Men who Svipdag and his brothers sit next to
Bera: A freemans daughter. Has Bjorns children. Three
Bjorn:King Hrings Son who is cursed by Hvit because he wont sleep with her. Turned in to a bear during the day and is killed by the kings men. Father to Bera's 3 kids
Skur and Drifa: King Hrolf's daughters
Hjorvard: a powerful king married to Skuld; Is tricked by Hrolf and must under take Hrolfs rule
Ingebjorg: Queen of king of the Lapps. Mother of Hvit
Bodvar Bjarki: The son of Bear that looks like nothing is worng with him. Bera's favorite son
Thorir:the second son of Bera who has the feet of a dog
Drifa: Daughter of Hrolf, Marries Bodvar
Elk-Frodi: Bera's son who has the body on an elk below the navel
Hjalti: One of Hrolfs Great Warriors
Hott: Boy who becomes a great champion with the helps of Bodvar but at the beginning has bones throw at him
Hring: King of Uppdales of Norway, Father of Bjorn. his wife dies so he marries Hvit but is much older than her
Hvit: A troll like queen. Married to Hring curses Bjorn
Vogg: Yrsa's servant who pledges to Hrolf

2. Explain how the following themes work and what characters can looked at as symbols of the theme:

Role of Kings:
Role of the warrior:
Role of women:
Concept of Magic: It is seen at the beginning of the book with Vifil. Skuld and her mother are part elfin. Hvit is troll who curses Bjorn
Revenge: Everyone gets back at eachother for killing one's kin is this book. Helgi breaks all of Hroks bones for killing Hroar. Hoar and Helgi kill Frodi for killing their father. Olaf and Helgi get back at eachother for embarassing eachother. Hvit cursing Bjorn for not sleeping with her
Man alone in a hostile world:

3. Discuss one event in the story that seems to represent what you believe the book to be about.
4. How do Hrolf and his Champions compare with King Arthur and the round table?
5. Make a list of at least ten moments of magic in the book.
6. Who is your favorite character and why?
7. How is the Cult of Odin important to this book?
8. Compare Hrolf Kraki to Beowulf.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Vocab 10/4

Obsolete (Adj.)- no longer produced or used; out of date
- Non -Automatic doors on mini vans seem to have become an obsolete design in the new 2010 models.

Paucity (N)- the presence of something only in small or insufficient quantities or amounts; scarcity
- There is a paucity of eggnog when it is not Christmas time

Philistine (N)- a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts, or who has no understanding of them
- The man was confused why the Chief kept calling him a philistine even though he keep disrespecting the ways of the people.

Meticulous (Adj.)- taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough
-The meticulous work of the girl always impressed the teachers.

Officious (Adj.)- objectionably aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted services, help, or advice; meddlesome
- The officious remark the boy made to the man made the man not want to give advice to him anymore.

Peruse (V)- to survey or examine in detail
- Shelby perused the land for any adult toads
Mitigate (V)- to make less severe
- To mitigate his the punishment, the boy blames the broken lamp on his sister.

Perfidy (N)- an act or instance of faithlessness or treachery
- After her mother died the girl was in a state of perfidy and questioned whether god existed.

Morose (Adj.)- characterized or expressing gloom
- The teacher worried about the morose boy and that something was not right at home.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Beowulf Part III

1) Is Beowulf a good king? Explain your answer with examples (at least 3) from the text.
- I do not believe Beowulf was a good king. First, He lived to much in the glory days, how he thinks, as mentioned starting at line 2345, of all the feats he had in the past, even though he was younger, and thinks he can still fight this dragon on his own. Second, he goes into battle and never has a child. As a king you are looked up as a symbol of safety and reasureance. If you die there is panick, so it was not good of him to rush in one his own. You are also to have a kid, leave an heir you learns to take your spot when you die. Someone who becomes trained for the job and can keep their country safe. Last, He does not prepare his warriors for battle, which is why they all run away when things get scary.

2) What is the most important part of section 3? Why do you believe this?
- Beowulf fighting the dragon. It brings together the three parts, shows Beowulfs down fall and his death. It shows how he still lived in the glory days and didn't take the part as king.

3) What is the most interesting part of Beowulf (the entire story) for you? Why?
-The idea of wyrd and wyrgild is very interesting to see. The the idea that battle is the most important thing, you fight and die with dignity or come home a shame. Its crazy how people choose to continue war when someone is killed. Its just interesting how the lived and thought. How it is war is normal for these people and how if you killed someone you are expect to pay the family or they can come after you. And they seemed to come after each other a lot and were in constant fighting.

4) What does the dragon represent?
- I believe the Dragon represents Beowulf. Dragons are known as the most feared beast in the land, strong animals and beowulf with the most fear warrior. No one dares to fight beowulf just like no one but really beowulf dare to fight the dragon. Everything they own doesn't matter, whats important is earning it. They are both old. Also, the Dragon was 50 feet long maybe it paralelled to Beowulf ruling for 50 years and then they both die at the same time.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Part two, literary elements, themes and motifs

Literary Terms and Examples of Literary Terms:
Kenning : Compound Metaphor
*Swamp-thing from hell

Litotes: Humerous Understatement, Dark humor
*Line 1367

Apositive (1 example): Building up
* lines 1818- 1820

Deer- Kingdom
Trophy- Pride

Allusion (3 examples):
* Noah and the Flood
* Heremod
Epic Boast (1 example): just a resume
* Lines 1474- 1491

Epic Hero (definition and how Beowulf fits it):
* as defined by, “ a main character in an epic whose legendary or heroic actions are central to his/her culture, race, or nation” journey, stands for the values for his culture, stronger, wiser, more moral than anyone else
Heroic deeds, bravery, willingnesss to meet fate, respect of king, give gifts, and usually has a tragic flaw.
Beowulf fits this because he is not greedy, He is a good courageous warrior, he is polite and doesn’t seem to have any flaws.

Motifs and Themes:

Exile: Grendel's mother, Shield

Kin Killing: The foreshadow that Hrothgars Nephew will kill him.

Ambush: Hint that Hrothgars Nephew will kill him, Beowulf ambushing Grendel's mother

Wergild: Blood money; one of the ways to protect the ways of a group that has killed someones kin

Wyrd: idea of Fate; everyone has a fate that they will eventually meet. if your supposed to died today in battle, more honorable to meet fate valiantly than to try to run away from it
- Fighting Grendels Mother

The Role of Kings: Keep the peace, give gifts, ring giver. Bring up his warriors, a structure a presence a head to keep the society in tacked.
-Hrothgar, Hygelac

The Role of Woman: Take care of the warriors, be a good hostest. They are also used to keep the peace. looking pretty, raising warriors
-Great Queen Modthryth, Hygd, Wealhtheow

The Role of Warriors: be courageous and back there king up. protect the land and king. swear alliegance to the king. die by the king, dont run away
- Fighting Grendels Mother

Paganism vs. Christianity: It is hard to tell what religious veiws Beowulf or the people have in this book. God is mentioned on countless occasions along with referring to the bible through Cain and Abel but the idea of wyrd is always there. The ideas are so intermingled it hard to tell which one was the original.
Voice coming through is christian but the reaso bowulf does things is to fit his culture which is paganism



Lines 110- 118

By Kaitlyn, Kaylie, and Sam
110. God see crime from mankind
111. Thence evil offspring in every respect awake
112. Giant and elves and evil spirits
113. Likewise giants then extended god dwell
114. Long evil time; he gave them this reward for that
115. He that visits when night came
116. High House how it ring- Danes
117. After beer- hall had occupied
118. He found then within noble company