Wednesday, January 12, 2011

vocab words: 1/4

Words: 1/4

Apparition (N) a supernatural appearance of a person or thing, esp. a ghost; a specter or phantom; wraith
The apparition scared Barnardo and the others

Calumnious (ADJ) slanderous; defamatory.
The calumnious remarks the boy made to the teacher got him into detention

Canon (N) church law
The canon was that no one would stay up past 11 o’clock each night on a school trip

Countenance (N) appearance, esp. the look or expression of the face
Her countenance made the cook realize she did not like mushrooms

Discourse (N) communication of thought by words; talk; conversation
In the discourse, the player explained to the coaches why they were not playing well

Imminent (ADJ) likely to occur at any moment; impending
The destruction of the Carribeans was imminent once they found out this was where the next major earthquake would occur.

Perilous (ADJ) involving or full of grave risk or peril; hazardous; dangerous
We went on a perilous adventure into the jungle

Portentous (ADJ) threatening
In order to have a success full year, every girl was a portentous player to our team

Prodigal (ADJ) wastefully or recklessly extravagant
The million’s wife threw a prodigal party

Sullied (V) to soil, stain, or tarnish
The boy spilt food and sullied the table clothe

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